RalphsValve, a credible Call of Duty insider who has a history of accurately leaking Call of Duty-related information, provided the leak. Call of Duty leaker, TheGhostofHope, confirmed the insider information that appeared on the source Whatifgaming just today. The leaker tweeted, “I can confirm this is real from what I’ve heard. “

Exclusive: https://t.co/jhpqZgTlkr — Ralph (@RalphsValve) October 5, 2022 In the beginning, Sledgehammer intended to “further explore their world and make several sequels evolving Vanguard’s cast of characters,” according to the inside scoop from Ralph. However Sledgehammer is rumored to be working on a sequel to Advanced Warfare instead, in light of the underwhelming sales of the Call of Duty title from last year.  Advanced Warfare 2 wasn’t given any additional information, but the report does mention that it will be the Call of Duty game for 2025, which is consistent with Activision’s development cycle for the franchise. The publisher is also rumoured to be cancelling next year’s Call of Duty game in favour of a 2024 entry by Treyarch. If Activision is truly skipping next year’s entry, Sledgehammer will be the developer of the 2025 entry as Infinity Ward is the developer for this year’s iteration.  Sledgehammer Games’ CoD efforts have drawn criticism because Vanguard, World War II, and Advanced Warfare all brought about significant modifications for the franchise. Particularly for bringing jetpacks and enhanced movement to the game mechanics, Advanced Warfare has its fair share of supporters and critics. Others have long campaigned for the restoration of jetpacks to the game, while some claim it destroyed the idea behind the game. Given how the franchise has changed over the years, it will be interesting to see how Advanced Warfare 2 comes out. Uncertainty surrounds the future of Call of Duty’s Warzone division, which is anticipated to last longer than other Call of Duty franchises and should continue up to the release of this alleged game in 2025. Take these leaks with a grain of salt until something is verified, as always, but it’s unquestionably a compelling idea that will spark a lot of debate among the Call of Duty community.